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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Naltrexone as pain relief/anti inflammatory being explored

My doctor had mentioned low dose naltrexone before as possibility to consider for help with pain at some point in time. I wasn't really sure about it (and I haven't tried it- we discussed it before I had my surgery as a just in case) but it looks like it might could help for some people:

 "First, a growing collection of basic science studies (by investigators such as Drs. Linda Watkins and Mark Hutchinson) suggested that naltrexone can reduce the excitability of microglia in the brain, preventing the release of inflammatory and neurotoxic chemicals.

"Animal studies indicate LDN has neuroprotective properties that are directly tied to its ability to suppress microglial activation and possibly reduce inflammatory activity in the body as well.
Glial cells provide structural support for neurons in the brain, relay oxygen and nutrients to them, and defend them from pathogen attack. Once activated, the glia (or microglia) spew a wide range of inflammatory and excitatory factors (substance P, cytokines, NO, etc.) that cause such symptoms as pain, fatigue, fever, cognitive and sleep problems; in short, just about every symptom associated with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome....The ESR findings suggest that people with inflammatory and autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis could also benefit from low dose naltrexone.

LDN may be more effective in Crohn’s disorder (80% effectiveness rate thus far) than in FM, and may be helpful in multiple sclerosis and chronic regional pain syndrome. The authors recommended that future LDN trials include a variety of inflammatory measures such as ESR, c-reactive protein, cytokines, growth factors, etc. to explore its anti-inflammatory effects....Research into LDN has been limited, but with the first human drug trial only being published in 2007 , LDN is new to the medical community. Despite the limited research, strong clinical results and word of mouth among patients is making LDN a relatively well-known opioid alternative."