Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Your bacteria and endometriosis

Better bacteria=better estrogen clearance.

"Since the 1970s, it has been known that in addition to supporting digestion, the intestinal bacteria that make up the gut microbiome influence how women's bodies process estrogen, the primary female sex hormone. The colonies of bacteria determine whether estrogen and the fragments left behind after the hormone is processed continue circulating through the body or are expelled through urine and feces..." "In the blood, estrogens circulate either bound to proteins or free. The liver inactivates estrogens by conjugation...; conjugated estrogens are then finally excreted with bile acids and are transported into the intestinal lumen [71]. Once in the intestinal lumen, the fate of these conjugated estrogens depends on the composition of the intestinal microbiota present in the host. Individuals with an intestinal microbiome capable of deconjugating estrogens will reabsorb the free estrogen via the enterohepatic circulation, increasing the estrogenic potency in the host. Those with an intestinal microbiome less favorable to deconjugation will promote estrogen excretion in feces [72]." 

 Also, could the inflammation from endo also alter the microbiome? "On the basis of the role of inflammation in the induction of a progesterone-resistant endometrium, we hypothesize that failure of implantation might be explained, perhaps in part, by alteration in the uterine microbiome in response to inflammation.This hypothesis finds support in the ability of environmental factors to alter progesterone sensitivity....Therefore, we conclude that the association between the microbiome of the reproductive tract and circulating serum E2 concentrations may reflect the environment and availability of glycogen. However, progesterone resistance, albeit an unproven relationship to the microbiome, might contribute to implantation failure and infertility. "