Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Common Genetic Influences: Migraine and Endo

"We examined the co-occurrence of migraine and endometriosis within the largest known collection

of families containing multiple women with surgically confirmed endometriosis and in an

independent sample of 815 monozygotic and 457 dizygotic female twin pairs. Within the

endometriosis families, a significantly increased risk of migrainous headache was observed in women

with endometriosis compared to women without endometriosis (odds ratio [OR] 1.57, 95%

confidence interval [CI]: 1.12–2.21, P = 0.009). Bivariate heritability analyses indicated no evidence

for common environmental factors influencing either migraine or endometriosis but significant

genetic components for both traits, with heritability estimates of 69 and 49%, respectively.

Importantly, a significant additive genetic correlation (rG = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.06–0.47) and bivariate

heritability (h2 = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.08–0.27) was observed between migraine and endometriosis.

Controlling for the personality trait neuroticism made little impact on this association. These results

confirm the previously reported comorbidity between migraine and endometriosis and indicate

common genetic influences completely explain their co-occurrence within individuals. Given

pharmacological treatments for endometriosis typically target hormonal pathways and a number of

findings provide support for a relationship between hormonal variations and migraine, hormonerelated

genes and pathways are highly plausible candidates for both migraine and endometriosis.

Therefore, taking into account the status of both migraine and endometriosis may provide a novel

opportunity to identify the genes underlying them. Finally, we propose that the analysis of such

genetically correlated comorbid traits can increase power to detect genetic risk loci through the use

of more specific, homogenous and heritable phenotypes.

In summary, these results confirm the previously reported comorbidity between migraine and

endometriosis and indicate common genetic influences completely underlie their cooccurrence

within individuals. Therefore, to improve the physical health and emotional wellbeing

of many women—via improved treatment and pain relief—we suggest the presence of

migraine be investigated in women with endometriosis and vice versa. Additionally, our data

indicate comorbid migraine and endometriosis represents a subset of individuals with unique

genetic effects and may therefore provide a novel opportunity to identify the genes underlying

them. Consequently, we propose that the analysis of such genetically correlated comorbid traits

can increase power to detect genetic risk loci through the use of more specific, homogenous

and heritable phenotypes. Also, the identification of genetically correlated comorbid traits has

particular relevance to the currently popular genome-wide association (GWA) paradigm by

providing a tangible means to substantially improve the efficient use of both existing and future

GWA data. For example, in addition to the primary association analysis of GWA data to the

phenotype for which it was ascertained, secondary analyses may be performed for genetically

correlated comorbid traits. Furthermore, examination of comorbid/non-comorbid cases (and

controls) provides a unique opportunity to knowingly stratify according to genetic
